Get your US passport photos (51mm x 51mm) taken here. Easy, simple, and 10 minute fast turnaround time. Canadian Passport and custom-sized images are also available for different countries.
By appointment only, so call or send a note requesting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I wear glasses, sunglasses, or tinted glasses in my passport photo?
No, take them off for your passport photo.
If you cannot remove your glasses for medical reasons, you must submit a signed statement from your doctor with your passport application.
Can I wear a hat or head covering in my photo?
You may wear a hat or head covering, but you must submit a signed statement that verifies that the hat or head covering is part of recognized, traditional religious attire that is customarily or required to be worn continuously in public or a signed doctor’s statement verifying the item is used daily for medical purposes.
Your full face must be visible and your hat or head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face.
Can I wear a uniform in my photo?
No. Both adults and children cannot wear uniforms, clothing that looks like a uniform, or camouflage attire in their photos.
Any Additional Questions?
Please consult the U.S. Department of Travel